Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2025
New Site Feature: Search
I've added a search feature! (The DuckDuckGo
version only returned a fraction of what's on the site.)
My search engine allows you
to search through the blog--current year and back
to 2013. It can also search the trip pages and quotes.
Perhaps the ability to search all of the images and videos
on the site will be the most popular? It searches
filenames and not the actual image, so keep that
in mind! Have fun! Here's a link to the
Desktop Version
. The mobile version is available at the top of the
main page.
Let me know if you find any errors!
The Grand Tour
I've finally finished watching
The Grand Tour.
I enjoyed how the ending ties everything together.
I still watch
Top Gear
regularly. I feel that it's a better show. Maybe
Clarkson's friction with the BBC or the small
budget brought out the trio's best? Or it could just
be that the idea was fresh. Still, I enjoyed
The Grand Tour.
and recommend it.
Tuesday, 7th of January
Graph of GRS Entries by Year & Decade
I continue to work on the feature that I previously
reported. It's slow going, but I am making consistent
progress. Meanwhile,
I created a plot of the GRS entries by year and decade.
It worked out pretty well! See it
I last reported the entries only
by decade.
Thursday, 2nd of January
Happy New Year!
I wish you the best for this year!
Site Updates
I've added a new funny photo:
I'm currently working on a new feature that should
connect the different parts of the website.
While working on this feature, I had to log into the
web server. I checked the site hits &
visitor counts. I was astonished that the site receives
about 300 unique visits every day, on average.
I'm stunned. And these aren't page hits like when
someone loads a photo from this site that's posted
to a forum. The daily hit count is about 3,000. These
figures are due to you. Thank you!!
Missed a past entry? Read them