Year 2013

Monday, 30th December

Site updates

Five new movies are uploaded to the database. I hope you enjoy them!

Happy New Year!

Friday, 20th December

Site updates

Eight movies & one TV movie are now in the database!


I'm just about finished with my projects. Lately, I fitted a trailer receiver to the truck. Talk about a beast. The class 3 hitches are much larger than class 1s! This one weighs about 70 pounds. I've a new gas tank to install. The original is filled with rust and I believe that caused my engine problems.

I split all the wood that I could. That was fun! I'd say it's more enjoyable than using the chainsaw. Axes are less dangerous. I'm planning to get the driveway in this year. I'd like to move a travel trailer up there and live there while building. My apartment neighbors are loud.

I've been hiking the town forests in my town. I was stunned that there are more than half a dozen. My favorite is within walking distance of the apartment. After today's hike, I think I should break out the snowshoes!

I'm also working on a new feature for this web site. Stay tuned.

Next month I'm going to look for work. I hate to say it, but I miss working. The headhunter who placed me at the previous contract says they would like me back in January. We'll see if that comes to fruition--it would be very convenient. If not, I'll find something else.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, 9th December

Site updates

Six movies & one TV program are now in the database!
Added two new funny photos:

See them all here.

Saturday, 7th December

Site updates

I've freshened the home page and made two pages inactive.

Updates coming soon!

Friday, 29th November

Site updates

Eight movies & two TV programs are now in the database!

One of the movies had a notable quote, which I added to quotes page. Here it is:

"So, you can't park there..."
"You're hurt, right? Ain't that the definition of handicapped? Just act like a cripple--we'll be alright."
Meeting Evil

Last, but certainly not least, is a new trip page. See it here. I hope you enjoy it!

8th November

Site updates

Six films are now in the database. There are some really good ones in this batch. I think the movie industry may have rounded the bend and is making good movies again. It's been several years!

2nd November

Site updates

Nine films are now in the database. I'm making up for lost time!

I also added three funny photos. One in the car section, another in the signs section. The remaining one is in the unsorted section. See them here.

22nd October

Site updates

Seven movies are now in the database. There are a number of good ones in this lot!

9th October

Site updates

Seven movies are now in the database. This is a good batch, too!

28th, September

Site updates

Eight movies are now in the database!

Christmas in September

OK, we know that the retail shops love to put out Christmas commercialism right after Halloween. But get this: I saw a Christmas tree in a front window that was lit up on the evening of the 26th of September! No doubt this is the home of those avid holiday pushers that we all detest.

You know the type. He's the guy who is already painting Easter eggs while there's still four feet of snow on the ground. Or the idiot who's first to set off his fireworks in May. "Fourth of July is right around the corner." Yeah, uh huh. Live in the present for once!

18th of September

Site updates

Four movies are now in the database! I also made a mistake in a review. Yes, it is possible I've added it to the bottom of the appropriate entry.

I also added one funny photo to the comics section.

Lastly, I added another day trip page. It's short but worth reading. You may find it at the top of the trips index page.


Well, the truck's driving. It takes some time to get used to double clutching every shift. I jammed it into a gear while driving to the garage to be aligned. The mechanic fixed it and just suggested taking it easy putting it into second gear. What a kind man!

I do have to be careful to watch where it's going. It tends to wander a bit. This sends small Japanese cars scurrying for side streets! Speaking of mice, I cleaned out a third nest from the truck. That's a trouble with storing a vehicle outside.

The MG is fixed! It turned out to be a very blown head gasket. As a last resort, I measured the compression in the cylinders. I found the middle two to be linked and measuring only 60 psi. There was an 1/8 inch gap in the gasket between the cylinders. Don't I feel dumb? Oh well. It's fixed now and I'll remember the sound for the future. I forgot how much power that engine produces!

History on YouTube

A friend sent me this funny video comparing Tesla and Edison. It's short so you can sit through it if you don't care for it:

12th of September

Site updates

Five movies & one TV program are now in the database!


The MG drives and runs with the new exhaust. The bad news is that the odd noise is still there. I checked for vacuum leaks. I checked and cleaned the PCV system. Next, I'm going to check the compression and valve clearances. The head nuts are at torque. I'm almost baffled.

The truck is still not on the road. The brushes in the starter disintegrated while trying to get hang of starting the engine. American '60s engines behave differently than '60s English engines--in other words, we have operator error! Fortunately, I spoke with some older car friends and they suggested what to do.

Of course, the new starter didn't go on without a fight. I don't know what's wrong. It could be that this truck used to be a racer and as such has a hodge-podge of parts. Really, I think it is just poor quality control of new "OEM" parts made in Mexico. Who'd think that I'd have to take a grinder to a starter! I managed to bolt it to the engine in between downpours.

War, standing armies, empires

A disclaimer: Before I delve into this subject allow me to state that much of my wealth has been acquired, usually gruelingly and humilatingly, by working for military contractors. Unfortunately, this seems to be the only field from which to earn a reasonable wage.

Recently, people have been talking about Oh-bummer issuing orders to strike Syria. This clearly shows that our republic has become precisely what the authors of The Constitution feared. They were educated and steeped in the exploits of the previous great empire (i.e. Britain). That's why they intentionally wrote into the agreement between the States and the federal government (AKA The Constitution), the federal government would have no standing army.

The Congress shall have Power. . . To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years
Section 8, paragraph 12

How long has the "war" in Afghanistan continued? Iraq? Oh, and this is not a recent travesty. Why do we still have a standing army in Germany and Japan? Standing armies are the sign of an empire.

The British referred to the reason for their occupying forces in their polite way: make the world England. This is not an isolated incident. The Roman commanders were happy to send out their centurions and their men to the far ends of the world. They didn't necessarily care how many came back after, say, the Celts or Picts fought for their lands. How can America be any different?

There's only one reason for having armed soldiers in foreign countries. It has the effect of ensuring that the empire's interests are enforced. These days I think that they are referred to as peace enforcers instead of centurions or soldiers. Is this not like a bully being given a big bat and told to make sure no one misbehaves in the playground?

I believe it was President Truman who warned against the growing military-industrial complex. He witnessed this potential growth after the undeclared supremacy of the US in the late '40s. Victory after World War II and being largely untouched during the war could allow such things to happen. Atomic weapons just cemented the deal.

Flash-forward to today. We cope with inept leaders who claim more and more power with every regime change, a public distracted by entertainment--is football much different than the gladiator games?--, and a general distrust of other individuals. These are indicators of a failing republic.

Soon an empire, or at least someone who claims to be an emperor or empress, will emerge. There are few other conclusions from the evidence. And when an empire is formally declared, you will find yourself beholden to it. Like it or not, this is the natural outcome of a republic turned empire. I have been saying it for more than ten years: America is the next empire. And all empires fall, taking most individuals with them.

Labor Day

Site updates

Six movies & one TV program are now in the database!


I've found a way to get the performance exhaust on the MG so I don't have to swap engines. That's a relief because I wasn't looking forward to the job.

The truck is nearly ready for the road. I just await the re-cored heater & repaired radiator.

Saturday, 17th August

Site updates

Seven movies & one TV program are now in the database!

Sunday, 4th August


I forgot to link to my latest day trip page. I hope you enjoy it.


I finished a six month contract and the weather's pleasant, so I'm taking some time off. It'll be good to get all the vehicles driving and on the road. Finishing the driveway would be an added bonus.


I thought this a clever idea. A European organization is arranging a time capsule to be launched into space on an orbit that will return it to earth 50,000 years after launching date. The KEO folks have enough data capacity for every person to write a four page (6,000 characters) letter to our future descendents. There is no charge for this unique service. Here's the page:

Wikipedia describes the project here:

Site updates

Four movies & one TV program are now in the database!

Friday, 19th July

Site updates

Five movies & three TV program are now in the database!

Sunday, 30th June

Site updates

Eight movies & one TV program are now in the database. I also added a funny image in the "cars" section of this page.

Saturday, 1st June

Site updates

Eight movies are now in the database.

other stuff

I've decided that I don't feel like pounding an ill-fitting new exhaust system onto the MG. This is necessary for the performance engine. So I'm going to put the original engine back in.

The clearing for the driveway is coming along. A friend is going to use his tractor to move the heavy stones. These were part of the stone wall and the ones that I couldn't move by myself.

I did manage to dig under one stone and then pull it out of the ground with the ATV. A lot of work. I still need to figure out how to move the two two-thousand-or-so-pound stones. One seems to to be pretty deeply buried. I may split that one into two or three parts.

Sunday, 19th May

Site updates

Six movies are now in the database. All were fives on the GRS scale, too. Enjoy!

Saturday, 11th May


Since it was wettish today, I removed the rusted-out exhaust from the MG. I had to cut the header in two places. Fun stuff.

I couldn't get the new, ceramic coated, header on. Something for the next rainy day.

Site updates

I added three movies and two TV programs to the database.

Saturday, 27th April

Site updates

Three movies are now in the database. Enjoy!

Sunday, 21th April

Site updates

As promised, here are some updates!

I've added six new movies & two TV programs to the database.

Friday, 19th April

Martial Law in Boston!

Papers, please. Or should it be Papiere, bitter.

The residents of Boston and environs have kissed-off the Bill of Rights in the hope of being rid of that nasty baddie who, they're told, is responsible for the Boston Marathon explosions. Don't believe me about the cowardice of this once-great city? Look at these photos taken in Boston this Friday. (Remember that Boston is a city that has prospered during the many economic downturns that killed great cities like Detroit and St. Louis.)

I have spent a good bit of time walking the streets of Boston. Whether wandering or waiting for friends, I have enjoyed the closeness of Boston. It's like a small London without the CC TVs. These photos scare me. They should scare anyone who knows this city. This vibrant community thrives on creativity and overcoming difficulty. I guess if the cops say you can't work or be creative any more, then that's enough. Right?

Fuck, what happened to this city? As far as I can recall the last time that this great little city was occupied by soldiers, they wore red coats! Oh, and don't try to tell me this time is different. It isn't! Any armed force that confines you to your house is an enemy. I don't care who it is, or the reason they cite. Involuntary confinement ruins the wealth of residents and decimates their self-esteem. This was a tactic employed by the British to suppress the feisty Bostonians. Today, it will probably lead to laziness and permanent fear. Historically, it can eventually destroy a city.

Like the British occupation of Boston, this is a psychological attack on the residents. Remember reading about Paul Revere? Yup, he was labeled a terrorist. In fact, any one who dares to speak against the authorities was, and is, an enemy. Today isn't that much different than during those nervous days leading to the Colonial repulsion of the British at Concord (which really should be correctly pronounced, rather ironically, as "conquered").

Then, most of the public was complacent. The "shot that was heard around the world" was fired from a gun held by an individual belonging to a small minority who believed that Massachusetts shouldn't be told what to do by an external force. He believed that Massachusetts shouldn't be afraid to stand up for herself. Well, if this damned manhunt continues westward, then maybe a group of patriots will stand up for the citizens of Massachusetts? This time it may not be in Concord, but it will be in Massachusetts.

Oh, you say, the manhunt is being executed by the Mass state police, so it's OK. Perhaps, you are right. But couldn't I slap a Massachusetts State Police label on my jacket and become one of them? Admittedly, I haven't the training of the "alphabet-soup" agencies, but would I need to? Couldn't I fake it? People seem to cower when provoked by any "authority".

As much as I would like to say all will be OK. I cannot without lying. We are skidding down a slippery slope. What we see happening in Boston and the surrounding towns will happen in other parts of the United States, unless it is prevented.

I'm not calling for violent resistance. Don't wield your guns just yet. Instead, go in the streets and "just say no" to police that challenge you. Quote the Fourth Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Don't pretend that the police abide by the Bill of Rights. Still unsure? Take a look at these photos taken in and around Watertown:

Yes, these were taken in Massachusetts. You know, that Northern state that is known for excellent health care and education. Just because they cite the excuse of a manhunt for a "terrorist attack" suspect, doesn't mean you have to give in. What we have here is the beginnings of the Iraq, or Vietnam (if you will), occupation. Except this time the people--you--will be more welcoming of the occupying force. Wake up, Boston!


Normal services will resume here, if not in the real world, very soon.

Sunday, 7th April


I guess two trips to the south of France have rubbed off on me. Now, I'm drinking wine! One of my favorites is a Malbec from Argentina named Layercake. As I'm always on the look out for a similar wine--no other can, of course, possess the same terroir-- produced in the States, I came across a Shiraz from South Australia. The labels are nearly identical, as is the color of the beverage. See for yourself:

So I couldn't pass up purchasing both bottles and comparing the taste. Yes, I had to double-fist. It's in the name of discovery! Here's what I thought about them:

"Shiraz smells slightly more fruity or gamey. Malbec is definitely smoother despite being one year younger."

I do still prefer the Malbec. The Shiraz is no two-buck-chuck: it just lacks the smooth complexity I enjoy from the Malbec. OK, now I sound like a wine ponce! Too much visiting the south of France and watching Oz and James's Big Wine Adventures.

I found it interesting that the Australian company uses Shiraz and not the more correct Syrah. Maybe Syrah sounds too Middle Eastern to be marketable in the States? That's funny because the grape variety originated in France on the German border, or inside the Fatherland (depending on the year!).


Spring is nearly here. Soon I'll be able to camp and work on my land! I spoke with the DPW inspector about my driveway plan. He told me that I need to make a parking area at the end of my twisting driveway for the fire engine to park (hopefully only during fires).

Putting in this drive will be a job. I need to have three pines removed. They're too close to the power lines for me to hack them down and not black-out the neighborhood. (Wouldn't that be a great way to better get to know the neighbors?) Also, I'll need to widen the gap in the stone wall. Fortunately, this task will allow the ATV to finally see some work.

Speaking of the ATV, I ordered a 50-inch country plow for it yesterday. The plan is to plow the driveway myself. Hmm, I may have to buy flannels. I really should just get it over with and start talking funny, put in a few 'stills, buy-back my worn-out Sentra and put it up on blocks. I could then say I'm from Maine!

Site updates

I've added five new movies and a TV program to the database. See them here!

Friday, 29th March

Site updates

It's really great having every other Friday off: it more than makes up for the longer work days!

I've added eight new movies to the database. Take a look here.

I also add three new funny photos. They're in the comic section of this page.

Saturday, 16th March

Site updates

I added four new movies. You can see them here.

Saturday, 9th March

Site updates

The new trip page is up!

I also added six new movies. One I saw in the theater. You can see them here.

Saturday, 23th February

Site updates

I'm just back from a trip. Stay tuned: the trip page will be forthcoming!

Eight new movies are up. Enjoy!
G.R.S. database

Sunday, 10th February

Site updates

Five new movies are up. Enjoy!
G.R.S. database