Year 2015
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I added four movies & two TV programs to the
It seems that the seemingly endless DVD collection that I have tapped for over
a decade may be ending. The other day I tried to increase my subscription and found
that the company has eliminated all larger DVD plans! Also, my main distribution center
appears to have closed because I am now receiving discs from out of state.
I'll continue using the service as long as I can, but I feel it's only a matter of time.
Netflix doesn't even advertise the DVD plans anymore! One must dig on the web site
to find a link to
. However, Netflix's (Internet) streaming service
is going strong. I dislike that part of the business because the selection pales in
comparison to the DVD library.
Please remember the victims of the first "September 11th".
Site updates
I added four movies to the
Canceled trip
Since I last wrote, I had to cancel a trip. Yes, the actions of Da'ish--or ISIL/ISIS, as it
seems to be known in America and American-sympathetic "allied" nations--caused
a change of plans for me. This is the first time that I have ever had to cancel a trip, and
I am not happy.
I would have been in Morocco this past week. I didn't cancel because of the recent events
in Mali and Algeria (neighboring countries) but because I questioned the motivations of
the ground crews at Charles de Gaulle aéroport near Paris. CDG is located in the
northern reaches of L'Île de France (AKA Paris). And, there, in north Paris many
self-righteous Muslims are only taking up space.
It seems that the shittiest Muslims have taken up residence in western European capitals.
They're angry and want to destroy something. Maybe it's time to open up a suicide
"practice" park in western Europe? It would probably stop them from planting a device on
a jet airliner! (Oh, am I politically incorrect? Good.)
It wasn't that long ago that I felt more secure in western Europe than in the U.S. Hmm.
Maybe it's time to ask how long before we, in our police-state nation, are really
I'm not saying that we should start bombing to forestall any problem. Oh wait, that has
already been done. And how did that work out? Talking is too difficult, eh? Maybe one
would have to justify beating a drum?
And why are the French bombing the Middle East? Is this some sort of faulty
show-of-force? Oh, but wait, the British are now bombing, too. Great. What will be the
backlash from this entrance?
So if I shot a father,
wouldn't his wife and/or children come after me to fulfill a vendetta? Maybe this is a
simplistic viewpoint, but who said mankind was sophisticated? I certainly don't see
any evidence of sophistication!
Whilst not exploring a new country (sigh), I continued with my projects. Today, I
nearly finished all the tasks on the MG. As you may recall, I had removed the engine and
gearbox to remove the modern "leak-proof" components and re-fit the original units?
The MG drivetrain is now back in place and ready to rumble. I then attended to the blown
wheel seal. This seal must have fallen victim to my exuberant driving style because it
didn't look that bad. Anyhow, that's the seal that left trails of gear oil on the driver's
side rear wheel. The good news is that everything came apart without a problem and
the shoes look OK. Finding the correct shoes is not easy, for some reason.
Now, I just need to order the new seals, which are not OEM, of course.
Truck & property
I moved the truck to my land. The neighbors questioned its security. It's probably safer
there than it is in my driveway. For certain, it's a lot easier to shovel around! Remember
that I don't drive the truck in the salty season.
I've been planning to drill my water well in the spring. This task will be successful.
I have all the equipment and only need a neighbor to provide some water. If that doesn't
work, then I can truck in my own water (see the connection?) with a slight delay.
But I have high hopes that my neighbor, a recent and gentle widow, will be happy to help
me out, if with some help from "George Washington, and his friend... George Washington".
I did also know her husband fairly well. He was a friendly and good man.
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I added seven movies to the
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The new trip page is
Please let me know if you find any typos.
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I added eight movies to the
I'm also just back from a camping trip in Utah. A trip page will be forthcoming!
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I added six movies to the
My future
As autumn falls in place, I find myself slowing down. I aim to work on the MG tomorrow.
I won't be driving it anytime soon because I have put supplies around it. Sure, the MG can
come out of the garage but I can't fit the Mazda in its place. (It's a bit tough to drive two
cars at one time!)
I've been collecting the supplies for drilling and finishing my water well. Today, I bought
six hundred pounds of sand and Sakrete. The truck rides so much better with weight
in the bed! And it runs cool with the fan belt tight!
I think I won't start drilling until the spring. I need the help of other people so I have
to plan around their comfort.
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I added six movies to the
Site updates
I added three movies & two TV programs to the
The MG reassembly is going. It took me quite a bit of time to get the slave cylinder in
place. I guess I'm spoiled by all the space under the hood of the pick-up!
The new, larger air-powered impact wrench didn't loosen the pinion nut on the truck
differential. That's a job for next year along with the engine oil leak.
Speaking of which, I purchased a tool to push the crankshaft pulley/harmonic balancer onto
the crankshaft. Yes, it's a light press fit. No crank nut. I believe this is the main source of the
engine oil leak.
The tool won't work because my crank has no threads on the front end. But at least I have
the tool now, and it's always cool getting new tools! I'll tap the crank next year.
Good news: the steel fan shroud works well on the road! It maintained 220 degrees at 65 mph
on a 90 degree day.
The not-so-good news is that I'm what the British call a clot. The alternator tensioning
nut loosened up--or I forgot to tighten it?! And I wondered why the battery voltage was low,
as if the alternator was disconnected. The big rub was that the engine temperature hit 280
because the water pump was not being driven!
Instead of stopping, like a normal person, I formulated ideas that the steel shrouds didn't
allowing proper airflow when coupled with the full load in the bed. Nope, I'm just a clot!
Fortunately, careful driving and running the heater blower avoided any overheating. I won't
do that again!
As I wait for the blacktop guy, I'm moving on to the next project. Water. Since there's no
town water supply, I have to drill a well. In keeping with my mentality, this is no hardship.
(I've already got a water filtration set-up.)
Since I try to do everything myself, I purchased a kit to drill my own well. Hey, why not drop
a few hundred dollars and see if it works? The main requirement for this DIY drilling rig is
a large air compressor. I ordered a gasoline-powered, nine-horsepower wheelbarrow-style
compressor. I have the money, and what with the low interest rate; why not put it into
something tangible?
Today, I was sorely disappointed because I didn't have to drive the fifty miles into work. Instead,
I had to be present to receive the air compressor. What a beauty it is, too! Even a
dopehead-looking fellow asked if it was for working on the truck.
The pick-up has confirmed my status as a local celebrity. First, I had a "Porschh" (i.e. an MR2
Spyder). Then, I turned up in a tiny, surprisingly-loud convertible from the "eighteen hundreds".
But my celebrity rocketed when my purple Chevy showed up. I don't quite get it. It's just an old
truck. Also, I got the thumbs-up from a construction worker today. I'm definitely not "in the
know". Maybe it's like football and golf?
The air compressor is now in storage until I finish preparing everything for drilling. When told
of my plans, a second person asked what happens if I strike oil. I said that I would quit my job.
He just smiled.
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I added three movies & a TV program to the
Enjoy! (This is a repeat. Normal programming should resume soon.)
I received the rebuilt starter for the MG. I guess mine is pretty damn loose! It's no wonder
it missed the flywheel every once in a while! Otherwise, I have been lazy and not done
anything on the sports car.
I have to correct myself. My air impact wrench (not ratchet) has a 1/2-inch drive. I tried to
loosen the pinion nut and it just laughed at me. I will need to get a larger wrench. Obviously,
NASCAR isn't good enough. I need to go up to Formula 1!
I fabricated the fan shroud with galvanized steel. This two-piece arrangement does a good
job. It's even better than the cardboard. I can feel a dramatic amount of air flow through
the radiator. (Yeah, it quotes Shakespeare after passing the radiator. Wouldn't you?)
I have yet to road test the arrangement. Yeah, I wanted to be high on my achievement
for a while before the wears of the road destroy it. Though, I did rev up the engine to about
four grand--a fairly high number for a straight six--without any calamity. Driving is, of course,
Looking back on all the work that I did to the truck. I think that I am only surpassed by Dan
Aykroyd in
I paid quite a bit less:
See the clip here.
We dug up the dirt, and I had the stone delivered. Of course, the dump truck couldn't
dump it where I needed it. (Thank you useless electric lines!) Instead, I put driveway markers
in the pile and put out a large traffic cone. Why? The pile blocked an entire lane. It couldn't
have been any worse, because it started
I had already planned to move the pile the next day, which would be clear. And would you
know it; some vehicle pushed the pile into my property. Was it the town? (I'm still waiting
for the crazy bill.) Was it the quarry? Was it a kind neighbor? There are plenty of those
individuals. Good town.
Now, I need to get the area paved. "We can't have the town road undermined." Yeah, yeah.
The first quote was $1,500. Maybe I should buy a machine and change professions?! When this
is finally done, it'll be great: you'll see! (To paraphrase Richard Hammond)
Site updates
I added three movies & a TV program to the
I took a break from working on the sports car this weekend. Also, I decided to hell with
trying to pry open the crimped & soldered brushes connections. I ordered a rebuilt
So the truck seems to be OK. Aside from the significant engine oil leak, of course.
I've found that the pinion seal is leaking. Replacing it shouldn't be a big deal because
I have an air-powered 3/4"-drive ratchet to remove the nut. It even has "pit power"!
I fabricated a cardboard fan shroud for the truck. It works pretty damn good. The
temperature now doesn't go above 220 in the head, even on hot & humid days running
at 60 mph. I'll have to make a metal replacement one of these weekends.
A nearby friend will try to dig up the required dirt tomorrow. I don't think his tractor
will have any trouble digging it up with its front bucket. It sure would save me renting
a machine, again. Keep your fingers crossed!
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I added three movies to the
Work continues on the MG. I can only work so long hunched over that low hood in the
humid metal box, which passes as my storage unit; so it's slow going. But I'll get there.
I have to also resolder & crimp the new brushes for the starter motor. I have been
dragging my feet on this task because I know it's going to suck big time!
So now that I have a full complement of gauges in the truck, I can see just what's right
and what's wrong.
First, the good:
The oil pressure is steady and reasonable at all engine speeds. (Yay!)
The fuel gauge slaps back and forth as the gas sloshes around in the vertical tank. (It's
also great knowing it's right behind the seat. Who needs absinthe? Drive on a rough road
and breathe deeply! Here comes the black fairy.)
Now, the not-so-good:
1. The battery voltage behaved strangely. At idle it would be about 11-12 Volts.
Step on the gas and the voltage crested to 17-18 V and stayed there!
2. The temperature in the cylinder head rose to 250 degrees and, also, stayed there.
(I put in a polar-expedition 235-degree thermostat, right?)
Maybe I shouldn't have bought those new gauges. Am I a masochist? Maybe I love problems?
Well, yes, I do. I am a trained engineer... "Thank you, sir. Can I have another?"
Solution for problem no. 2:
I found a nifty procedure on an online forum to flush the
cooling system with citric acid. The acid solution was supposed to turn red or black
when it dissolved the rust and other debris. It didn't do that for me. Maybe my system
is pretty clean? (It would have been very cool to see dissolved rust flooding out! Yeah,
I'm Jack the Ripper for cooling systems. Respect me, or else!)
The flushing doesn't seem to have been in vain because the running temperature seems
to have dropped to 220 degrees. That's more reasonable for a 212-degree thermostat.
The real problem is that the mechanical fan has no shroud around it. I learned the immense
value of fan shrouds with the MG. But the only shrouds available are for the V8 engines,
with their larger radiators and fans. Sigh, if only I wasn't such an oddball.
I can go with a dual electric fan set-up. My wiring harness is ready for it. We'll see.
I can always run the heater and burn off my toes to avoid overheating. That little piggy
won't be going to the market...
Solution for problem no. 1:
The over-charging problem worked out to be fairly simple. All the connections and wiring
were OK. The grounds were good. Previously, I had had the alternator tested. It's OK.
The battery's new. All signs pointed to a dud voltage regulator.
I popped off the cover--it's an external unit, remember?--and started the engine. Nothing
happened in the regulator when I revved up the engine. No sparks, no closing of breakers,
no smoke, no appearance of the Prince of Darkness. What a disappointment. Fortunately,
Advance Auto had a new unit on the shelf--although it's made in mainland China. I dropped
it in, and the system voltage now behaves properly. I like easy fixes like that!
So, I did it again. I thought I was He-Man, but I'm more like My Little Pony. I proudly wielded
my pickaxe in front of the dirt that I had to move. It wasn't scared. Instead it did what clay--
just to be precise--does, it sat there, ready to collect and admire water.
After half an hour of work, I found that I had made a three foot by one foot by one foot
trench. That's when I knew I was no Master of the Universe. Fortunately, a good
friend who lives nearby thinks that his tractor's front bucket will shift the required clay
without a problem. I hope so because otherwise I'll be crawling back to the rental company.
"I [don't] have the power!"
Site updates
I added seven movies & one TV series to the
The truck now has a full array of gauges. They are sharp looking, too! The engine
and gearbox are back in the MG. Thank you, Andy! All five gears can be selected.
I serviced the Mazda during the week. What an easy machine to work on.
I've given up trying to find an earth-moving machine right now. Instead, I
purchased a pickaxe. I needed to get some real exercise anyways!
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I added eight movies to the
Site updates
I added eight movies to the
The truck is running well. I purchased a new dash panel to replace my aged unit. Once fitted,
I'll have a decent array of gauges!
The engine and gearbox are back in the MG. Time to re-fit everything. Then, I can address
the brakes.
Mazda's returning better than 40 mpg. Lifetime average mileage is 39.7. Not bad considering
that the EPA states this machine will do 35 mpg on the highway.
I met the new highway guy today. He's a good guy and took the time to explain what I need to
do. Good news is that after I put in a paved apron to protect the road from erosion, I'll be set.
The not-so-good news is that I have to, obviously, put down a good sublayer so the blacktop
apron won't crack after a year. This requires digging out a foot of material, shaping, and laying
I'm thinking it has now become cost effective to purchase a used backhoe. Surprisingly, one can
get one for less than five grand. Sure it won't be pretty and may need a little TLC, but it would run
and work. Maybe I'll paint mine a really masculine color as a theft determent. Pink polka dots?
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It's alive! Sorting out the ignition voltage issue ensured that the engine runs as long as desired.
I also found areas for minor vacuum leaks in the intake system and gooped them up with RTV
silicone. Now it runs pisser, as an old mechanic-turned-co-worker who I consulted for advice,
would say.
Naturally, my first stop was a filling station. Twenty dollars doesn't go as far as in the
(super-)mini Mazda! Then, I hit the open road and opened up the Stovebolt six. Yep, it's running
right. Plenty of torque and runs smoothly. The misfire seems gone.
There're a couple of oil leaks. One is from the timing cover/front seal/oil pan design nightmare
and the other appears to be from the front of the tranny. (Can I say that? Or should I say identity
challenged? Or gender uncertain?) Either way, the front of the tranny seems to be dripping oil.
Hey, oil leaks are free undercarriage rust prevention! I'll look into the leaks next year, maybe.
I switched the oil seals back to the OEM style. An original style throw-out bearing is in place also.
I measured the clutch plate wear. It looks like nearly 50 thousandths was lost! That's quite a bit of
wear in eleven thousand miles. Hopefully, the uprated disc will last longer. Now the engine and
gearbox are ready for re-installation.
Closer examination of the starter brushes leads me to believe that the original owner replaced the
brushes. Still, they lasted a few decades.
So, there's more that I have to do. I'm beginning to wonder if the town roadmaster is lonely. Oh, and
this is a new one. I must have worn out the original? Ah, the joys of doing contracting work by oneself.
Maybe the property will be ready when I near retirement age?
At least, I can drive the length of the driveway in the car. Also, now that the truck is running I could
drill a water well in the meantime. Recall that I have a DIY kit to undertake this job. I'm curious if it'll
actually work. If not, then I should re-think the driveway so a drilling truck can easily get in.
I have posted my résumé online and got quite a response. I even had a preliminary
phone interview yesterday. It still seems to be an employer market out there, though.
Fortunately unless I cheat on my timecard, I will probably be able to keep the current job as long as I want it.
It'll boil down to how long I can stand working at tenth speed, I guess. Not to mention how long I can
cope with the negative vibe at that place. (It's the polar opposite of what I experienced at a previous
job that was located just up the hill.)
Maybe it's time to see just how far I can go. You know, shake up the squares a bit. Do things that are
so against their ingrained way of life. Got to have fun. We don't get out of life alive.
Site updates
I added eight movies to the
The truck is still not running right. I had the intake manifold magnafluxed. They found no
cracks of concern, but did notice that the mating surface was warped by eight thousandths.
They milled it flat.
I found that the PCV connection to the manifold could have been leaking. The brass elbow
was glued into place with RTV silicone. Previously, I have tapped and threaded fittings into
manifolds. And why not? Cast aluminum and iron forms threads quite well. In this case, I have
researched the correct sealant and will re-fit the slip-fit elbow employing the correct silicone.
Hopefully, the rolling misfire will be gone now.
I also wired a GM ballast resistor into the ignition circuit. This should protect the ignition coil
and points from overheating and arcing, respectively. These events could explain why the engine
would run for fifteen minutes and then start to bog down and eventually die. (I checked the float
bowl for foreign particles.)
At this rate, I'll have a brand new truck! And if it doesn't work, I can always fit a big-block
with a blower and some machine guns and go "Mad Max" with it! The front fenders already
have flames on them so I've already started down that road of fury...
I partially disassembled the MG engine and gearbox. Recall, that I'm replacing the original seals
to stem the flow of oil out the new and "improved" seal contraptions. While removing the
pressure plate, I noticed that it was broken!
The A-Series engine uses a solid graphite throw-out "bearing" so the pressure plate needs a
mating, hardened steel part to depress the diaphragm--or non-diaphrahm--fingers. This steel
part was broken from its carriage on the pressure plate. This explains the rattle when the
clutch was disengaged!
I think my use of an aftermarket--Peter May?--roller bearing, intended for use with a Mini
gearbox, broke the pressure plate. The increased length of the throw-out assembly along the
long axis of the engine/gearbox assembly must be too much. Oh well. I guess it's like the
newfangled seals that "won't" leak.
I also noticed that the clutch disc was wearing. I found a performance disc, which "should be
used... if engine power is increased above 90 hp." This new clutch does look the part. I guess
this is evidence that my engine develops 95-100 horsepower.
I'm also going to replace the brushes in the starter. I found that they were worn-out on one side.
This is, no doubt, the reason why many times the starter would just click and not spin the flywheel.
But, of course, replacing the brushes requires pop rivets and solder. Whatever. If it lasts another
few decades, then I won't mind. Hell, they may outlast me because I suspect that they are the
original parts!
Persistence pays off. I know exactly what I need to do to gain the roadmaster's approval. I have
an excavator reserved for tomorrow. I do feel like a little boy using these earth-moving machines.
Oh, and their power is astonishing! The 60 horsepower "baby" excavator that I have used, and will
use again, is powerful enough to pick up almost all the boulders that I have kicking around. And if it
can't pick up a particularly heftly bit of granite, then it can push it around with the arm. Hydraulics
and diesel power!
So I may just get this driveway in this month. We shall see. Regardless, it will be a good time.
My contract has been renewed for another year. I really don't know why because I haven't much
work to do. (Maybe I work too quickly?) I've been taking off Fridays for several weeks now without
any impact on workload. I don't complain but keep my eyes peeled for closer jobs.
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I added four movies & two TV programs to the
The truck is pretty much ready to roll. Ethanol gas and a worn-out distributor were the culprits.
The driveway will probably not be in this June because the town guy is mostly unresponsive. I
really dislike governments. Crony-ism seems to be name of the game.
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I added five new movies to the
Site updates
I added eight new movies to the
I also added one quote:
Never use money to measure wealth.
Prentice Ritter in
Broken Trail
This past weekend didn't go exactly as planned. I intended to uproot two large oak stumps with
a rented mini excavator. Unfortunately, the roots must go deep into the ground because I couldn't
get the stump to move by digging around it. So, instead, I graded the driveway. I can drive along it
so I do have a driveway.
If the town roadmaster agrees that I have good line-of-sight, then I can pay the permit fee and lay
stone. It would be a good thing, but I can always have the stumps ground.
Site updates
I've added six movies & one miniseries to the
I watched WarGames, my latest favorite, again because of news that the old NORAD
bunker in the Cheyenne Mountains is being brought up to fulltime use again. This place
was pretty much closed down when the Cold War ended.
NORAD bolsters Cheyenne Mountain for added protection April 9, 2015 The Colorado Springs Business Journal
Adm. William Gortney, commander of the U.S. Northern Command and NORAD, announced that certain significant communications
assets are being moved into Cheyenne Mountain in order to protect them from electromagnetic pulse attacks.
"There is a lot of movement to put capability into Cheyenne Mountain and to be able to communicate in there," Gortney said during
a news briefing Tuesday at the Pentagon. The asset deployment will be carried out by Raytheon, which last week signed a $700 million
contract to upgrade communications facilities within the mountain redoubt.
The company said that the long-term contract will "support threat warnings and assessments for the Cheyenne Mountain Complex.”
Electromagnetic pulses (EMP) can occur naturally in lightning storms, but the U.S. military is primarily concerned with vast pulse
events deliberately created by the detonation of nuclear weapons in outer space. Such a pulse could effectively shut down the all civilian
and military communications networks in the continental United States.
Ten years ago, the United States EMP Commission concluded that the civilian communications infrastructure of the United States and
much of the military infrastructure were less well protected against EMP than during the Cold War.
"Because of the very nature of the way that Cheyenne Mountain is built, it's EMP-hardened," Gortney said. "It wasn't designed to be that way,
but the way it was constructed makes it that way. My primary concern was whether we (would) have the space inside the mountain for
everybody that wants to move in there. We do have that capability."
It's part of the continuing resurrection of the Cold War bunker, which was virtually abandoned by the military in the past decade. Conceived
in 1958, it was designed to protect military communications systems from a Soviet nuclear attack. It was so lightly regarded by 2007 that the
Business Journal published a feature story speculating about the possible benefits of repurposing the site as a regional tourist attraction.
Area tourism officials were enthusiastic about the idea, noting Cheyenne Mountain's mythic stature in American popular culture.
In recent years, Cheyenne Mountain has continued to serve as a backup for NORAD's modern operations at Peterson Air Force Base, with
work stations inside the mountain still capable of mirroring all aspects of monitoring the world.
Alas, it appears that Russian President Vladimir Putin's aggressive behavior on the world stage may have ensured that Cheyenne Mountain
won't be available for tourism development in the foreseeable future, if ever.
It looks as if we'll have to settle for Terminator and Wargames on Netflix."
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I've added three movies to the
Work has resumed on the property. I should have a driveway by June, if all goes according
to plan!
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I've added another eleven movies to the
Enjoy! Sorry for being slow to update.
R.I.P. "new" Top Gear (2002-2015)
The dismissal of Jeremy Clarkson from the BBC, and thus Top Gear,
is unfortunate. His comically insulting nature was the heart of this
current format of the British car show. So, as far as I'm concerned,
this generation of Top Gear is concluded.
James May and Richard Hammond are also out, as they stand with
Clarkson. So there's really no way that the current Top Gear, the one
that many around the world love, can continue.
Now, I've got a free Sunday afternoon. I will not be watching any sort
of "reinvented" Top Gear. Bad move BBC.
Telegraph article
...and it was still snowing this morning!
Thawing out
Now that the days are lengthening, I'm thinking of continuing
work on my property. I've been in contact with a guy, who
unfortunately doesn't rent stump grinders, but will do the job
for me. I'll see what he wants for the job in a couple of weeks.
After that, I need to level the area so the MG can get in and
out with trouble and get the approval from the town roadmaster.
Then, I can spread the gravel, and voìla I have a
driveway. Next step is to drill a well. We'll see how good my
well-drilling kit really is.
The truck needs the timing gear and pinion to be replaced. (The
timing marks are all over the place when a timing light shines on
them.) Also, the rear main seal, which can be changed with the
engine in place, also needs renewal. I contemplated letting a
trusted, nearby garage do the work. But then again, I should do
the job myself.
I just purchased a pistol. It's very much like the Walther made
famous by our favorite British secret agent. Now I just need an
Aston Martin. Well, my MG isn't that much different if you squint
or don't know much about English sports cars!
Talking of which, the MG is ready to have the engine and gearbox
removed. Yes, it hasn't been that long since I last did this job. The
oil leaks have gotten out of control. Leaking a pint every few weeks
is too much.
So soon the MG will, once again, cease to be a car. I'm determined
to get it back on the road quicker this time.
Site updates
I hope the new layout hasn't cause you any trouble.
I've added eight movies to the
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Enjoy the new look! Please let me know if you find any problems by
this form.
Thank you.
Site updates
I've added another three movies to the
The web site facelift is still coming. I'm 80% through updating the trip pages, the final
bit of work.
Site updates
One good thing about the snow is that I've seen a number of movies. In fact, I've added
another eight movies & one TV series to the
Site updates
I've added another five movies & one TV series to the
Site updates
I've added five movies & one TV series to the
I'm now transferring the trips pages to Perl-generated pages. This will take time now but
make my life easier in the future. The visitor shouldn't notice much of a change.
No worries about the ground water supply this year! Today, since I'm off again, I used the
snowshoes to climb the snowbanks. I needed to lower them so I can see out of the driveway!
Site updates
I haven't finished freshening the web site yet. It takes a surprisingly amount of time to
update all the web pages. I guess if I was a web geek, then I'd have, long ago, gone to
something standardized like style sheets, CGI-generation, or other such magic.
I've added seven movies to the
I also added a notable quote:
What's yours? Phobia? Manual labor, you know that. Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear
Site updates
I've added five movies & one TV series to the
This makes 2,000 entries!
The site refreshment is coming along. I'm about 90% finished with the job.
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I've added five movies to the
Happy New Year!